Thursday, June 19, 2008


What do you know about your great grandparents? I would think that if you asked 10 people this question, then 9 would say they don't know anything about their great grandparents. They wouldn't know what their great grandparents interests were. What their hopes and dreams were. Or anything about what really made them tick ... what made them unique.

I think it's natural for us to have a natural yearning to "leave our mark" on this planet. I believe that the best way we can do this is by influencing other people. More specifically, helping those around us to get the most out of life. If we are doing that then we in turn will be getting the most out of life.

Here's where it gets tricky for me. What type of imprint am I making on the planet that will be seen or felt by my great grandchildren. What will my daughters children's children know about me ... or will they know anything about me? If history is a good predictor of the future, then I already know the answer to my own question; they won't know much of anything.

I've been giving this question some thought the last couple weeks and here is my conclusion:

* I can instill values, integrity and the thirst for knowledge in my children which will pay dividends for generations to come. The bible says that the sins of the father get passed down for several generations I believe the reverse can be true as well. I am a benefit of the heritage my ancestors created for me, whether I recognize that or not.

* The effect I have on others can not only improve their lives now, but into eternity. I think we will all be surprised when we get to heaven and learn of the impact we all had on each other without even realizing it. That's motivation to make every day have purpose. You never know who's life you can positively effect each and every day.