Thursday, October 4, 2007


I heard a quote one time that really challenged me. So here I am, passing it on to you ... in hopes that it will challenge you:

"Thousands of men will quickly die for truth, but very few will spend their whole lives searching for it."

Snap! That's true isn't it? I think about the wars and battles in my life time; Vietnam, Desert Storm, the conflict going on now in Iraq . . . . thousands of men dying. Dying for various reasons I suppose. Probably the most popular reason is that they are dying for what they believe is "truth", what is right. I commend them all and have the utmost respect for the sacrifices they (and their families) are making.

But in America, how many people spend their lives searching? Looking for answers. Asking questions. Reading, listening, and observing. Trying to understand more and more what "truth" really is. And what to do with this "truth".

Reflecting on why this quote really struck me is probably because I don't know if I really am searching for truth. And more importantly, when I learn it how do I specifically apply it in my every day life? For now, I guess I will focus on the continued search and through that I hope to learn how to apply it. Wish me luck!