Monday, May 5, 2008


The last two weeks I've been listening to a 26 CD set created by John Maxwell called "Lessons on Leadership". It's been very rich and challenging me.

Can I be honest with you though? It's one thing to understand leadership principles but it's a whole other challenge to know how to apply it. I have poured about 9 hours of leadership teaching into my brain the past two weeks and yet I still feel like the same leader I was two weeks ago.

I blogged last June about leadership and spoke briefly about managing and leading. I mentioned that there is a time for both. Reading it again, I must say it's a really good blog. I asked you if I could be honest, remember?!

I believe the key is to understand leadership principles but then more importantly, know when and how to apply them to your specific situations. For this, I came up with the word, "LEADERMENT". Here's my definition:

- the ability to lead others through effective management principles which produces healthy, motivated, and productive teams.


Anonymous said...
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Inculcator said...

Leaderment! I love it. The disconnect you describe between theory and application is the story of my life. In teaching it is so easy to get caught up in what I did last year or what my other colleagues are doing instead of trying something new, risking failure, and then adjusting to make that project/assignment/experience better.