Saturday, February 9, 2008


There are many things in our world that I don't understand. I don't understand exactly how gravity works. I can think back on some high school physics lessons and dumb my way through explaining it . . . but honestly it doesn't make sense to me. Gravity holds us all down but at the same time hundreds of thousands of planes fly each day and we routinely send rockets into space. Crazy stuff!

Even though something like gravity is outside my understanding does not mean that I am not affected by it. In fact, gravity affects a normal joe like me just as much as my high school physics teacher that gave me a B-. Thinking back on my high school physics teacher, maybe gravity affected her just a little more than me. She was a big lady.

My point is that just because there are forces in our world that we don't understand or choose to ignore does not change the fact that they are real. One such force is called the Law of Attraction.

Basically, the Law of Attraction states that the things you think about will move towards you. Or as Proverbs 23:7 states, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is."

There has been a lot written on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Some good stuff, some applicable stuff, some goofy stuff, and some things that are just someone's limited understanding of this 'law'. Regardless of what other's understanding is, I do believe that the Law of Attraction is in full effect.

I believe that people attract those like them. I believe what we get in life are the things that we think about the most. I believe what we think in our heart is who we truly are and this determines our actions, which then determines what we receive in life.

I don't need to understand how the Law of Attraction works in order for it to affect me. Just like gravity, it affects us all the same.