Tuesday, January 29, 2008


When I first heard about Nintendo's new gaming system I thought it would be a miserable flop. The Xbox 360 just came out and there were rumors about the new Playstation 3 which was supposed to revolutionize the gaming industry.

The name of the new Nintendo system was a secret but the concept involved the gamer moving their arms to interact with the game they were playing. I thought this would be the death of Nintendo, because no self-respecting gamer wants to move around like an idiot in front of his T.V. The whole idea of playing a video game is to sit your butt on a comfy couch and zone out in another reality.

Here I am 2 years later and I continue to be amazed at the popularity of the Nintendo Wii. You can't hardly buy it anywhere and after playing it just once I understood the appeal. All age groups can play the system and really enjoy themselves. It's awesome!

If the Wii is so awesome then why didn't I know 2 years ago how popular that it would be? I think it's because I couldn't fit such a new idea into my own reality. I was trying to mush a square idea into my circular reality.

This is just another lesson for me to make my reality bigger. Instead of just poop-pooing an idea. Stop and process it. Thinking hard about not only the idea, but why I have the type of reaction to love it or hate it.

Our own reality is not set in stone and unchangeable. It is fluid and can be reshaped at any time in our lives.