Monday, September 17, 2007


Earlier this year I started working for a new company that has a totally different culture than what I was used to. It has been a fantastic change for me, but not without it's challenges. One such challenge has been to give and receive feedback freely. Not only with my subordinates, but giving feedback to my peers and my boss. I'm not sure which has been more of a challenge for me, giving the feedback or actually receiving the feedback.

Here's some tips to giving feedback:

1. First things first, you need to have credibility with the person you are speaking with.
2. Tell the individual you are going to give them some feedback.
3. Tell them the behavior they displayed and the impact that it had.
4. Offer a suggestion for doing things a different way.
5. Thank them for being open to your feedback.

Here's some tips on receiving feedback:

1. If someone asks you if they can give you some feedback, respond with an energetic, "Yes!".
2. While receiving the feedback raise your eyebrows and smile.
3. Ask any clarifying questions, then repeat what you have heard.
4. Thank them for helping you.
5. Take a day to reflect on the feedback and decide if you need to change. Bounce this feedback off of a trusted co-worker/friend to see if it has merit.
6. If change is needed, then change!

By no means am I able to do this stuff 100%, but I really see the benefit of improving those around you and being open to how I can improve.