Thursday, July 5, 2007


When you meet successful people, you will probably notice several things about them that you'll want to emulate. One of these such qualities, probably the most important one is that of optimism. Successful people don't get bothered by problems and issues. They realize that it is just part of the territory and address things head on. You may think that successful people don't have problems because you rarely hear them talking about them. But the reality is that their problems are probably much bigger and complex than most people . . . they just have the optimism quality where they know things will work out for them.

Below are some ways to exercise your optimism muscles:

1) Talk about what you want rather than what you don't have. Instead of saying, "My job sucks." Say instead, "I am learning skills so I can get a better job."

2) Look for the good in every situation. If you look for something good, you'll always find it.

3) Look for the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty. I once heard that, "When God wants to teach you something he wraps it in a problem. When he wants to teach you something big, he wraps it in a BIG problem!" Most people get so preoccupied in the wrapping, they don't see the gift. The gift is the lesson. Your job is to look into it and say, 'What am I meant to learn from this situation?'

4) Feed your mind with new thinking challenging yourself to grow by learning from other's experiences. Talk to as many people as you can. Read as many books as you can. Listen to as many sermons and teachings that you can. All the way feeding your mind and building your optimism.